+603-77241590 admin@al-khaadem.com.my


1Al-Qur’an Assessment Form for SistersFor participants to submit their Qu’ran recitation for TMEAG assessment
2Jenazah CourseFor participants to register for Jenazah course
3New Muslim Class Interview FormFor NMC team to interview newcomers at NMC


1Charity Request Form For anyone to request charity assistance from AK
2Equipment Donation FormFor anyone who wishes to donate equipment to AK (handphone, laptop, DSLR, etc)
3Equipment Loan PICK UP FormAfter approval, the requester MUST fill in this form UPON picking up the equipment
4Equipment Loan REQUEST FormFor anyone who wishes to loan AK equipment – Approval Required by Management
5Equipment Loan RETURN FormUpon returning the equipment, the requester MUST fill in this form
6Facilities Booking Request FormFor anyone who wishes to use facilities at AK for personal use – Approval Required by Management
7Facilities Complaint FormFor staff to highlight any maintenance issues at HQ
8Media Work Request FormFor staff who needs media team to produce/create media materials (e.g. posters, videos, etc)
9Program Feedback & Suggestion FormFor participants to give feedback of the program they attended
10Program Proposal FormFor anyone who wishes to organize or collaborate programs at AK (a.k.a program proposal)
11Program Report For Project Managers to use after their program ended
12Suggestion Form For anyone to give their ideas for improvement of AK
13Vehicle Loan REQUEST FormFor anyone who wishes to loan AK vehicle – Approval Required by Management


1Volunteer Recruitment FormFor anyone who wishes to be a volunteer with AK
2Volunteer Interest Selection FormFor volunteers to select their top 3 selection of their interests